Daniels 10% Deposit Program
Daniels is known for offering powerful tools to purchasers, to make the
dream of homeownership a reality – ARTWORKS Tower is no exception
to that!
- Daniels’ Gradual Deposit Payment Plan
- $5,000 with agreement of purchase & sale
- Balance of 5% in 30 days
- $1000 per month until you reach 5% of the purchase price
- Total 10% deposit to be paid by occupancy date
The 10% Gradual Deposit Payment Program works like this:
Provide a $5,000 deposit upon signing the Agreement of Purchase and
Sale, and 30 days later, top up your initial deposit to a total of 5% of
the purchase price of the home. Then, 120 days after signing, Daniels’
Gradual Deposit Payment Plan kicks in. From this day, buyers will provide
monthly installments of just $1,000 until reaching 5% of the purchase
price, or the occupancy date. At the occupancy date, if the 5% has not
been reached, it will be topped up to that amount.